Signature tire Blind River is located at 7 East Industrial Road, Blind River Ontario which is located just off the Trans Canada Hwy 17. This is a very strategic location between Sudbury and Sault Ste Marie for the type of services offered by Transcan.
Dennis Roberts started the business in 1990. He focused his business on being diversified to service all customer segments. The shop features 3 automotive service bays and 1 heavy truck mechanical bay. In 2000 Dennis’s son Lucas joined the business and in 2005 Lucas had completed his mechanical apprenticeship. Their automotive centre operates as an Auto Value member.
They have 4 tow trucks and can handle the large commercial trucks and trailers. They also feature 24 hour mobile mechanical and tire service for the transportation industry. They service a large area of Highway 17 between Sault Ste Marie and Sudbury.